Industrielle Prozesskühling
Minimale Ausfallzeiten bei einfachster Wartung der Anlagen innerhalb der Branche.
EVAPCO´s werkseitig montierte Kühltürme, Kühler für geschlossenen Kreislauf und Verdunstungsverflüssiger sorgen für eine zuverlässige sowie wasser- und energieeffiziente Kühlung vieler Fertigungsbetriebe und Rechenzentren.
Durch die Verwendung industrietauglicher Materialien sind EVAPCO´s Produkte die ideale Lösung bei Anwendungen mit verschmutztem Wasser oder für die Kühlung alternativer Flüssigkeiten wie Öl, Benzin und Kältemittel für den Herstellungsprozess.
Einige unserer Kühler für geschlossenen Kreislauf und Verdunstungsverflüssiger sind für den Trockenbetrieb geeignet und bieten dem System durch integrierte Redundanz selbst im Falle eines Wasserverlustes die notwendige Kühlung; EVAPCO bietet außerdem die am einfachsten zu wartenden Aggregate innerhalb der Branche, was die Lebensdauer der Geräte und anderer zugehöriger Prozesskühlkomponenten verlängert, und gleichzeitig Ausfallzeiten oder Wartungsbedarf solch kritischen Anlagen minimiert.
- Forced draft, axial fan models can reduce power requirements by up to 50% over centrifugal fan models of similar capacity. The PMRC Condenser has more capacity than any other forced draft condenser on the market and provides more choices due to its greater number of plan areas.
- The new ATP cooling tower, thanks to the high-efficiency, backwardcurved centrifugal fan technology, requires low energy consumption, has low sound emissions and is suitable for a variety of layouts.
- Unlike other dry products currently on the market, the EVAPCO eco-Air Series units are 100% fully rated . Every eco-Air unit comes with EVAPCO’s exclusive 100% thermal performance guarantee, ensuring
- Unlike other dry products currently on the market, the EVAPCO eco-Air Series units are 100% fully rated . Every eco-Air unit comes with EVAPCO’s exclusive 100% thermal performance guarantee, ensuring
- Unlike other adiabatic products currently on the market, the EVAPCO eco-Air Series units are 100% fully rated . Every eco-Air unit comes with EVAPCO’s exclusive 100% thermal performance guarantee
- The eco-Air Double Stack V Series Dry Fluid Cooler is a high capacity dry cooler designed to maximize heat rejection capability for a given footprint. The Double Stack units will help reduce total
- The eco-Air Double Stack Adiabatic Fluid Cooler is a high capacity adiabatic cooler designed to maximize heat rejection capability for a given footprint. The Double Stack units will help reduce total
- The Advanced Crossflow Series (AXS) puts a new spin on induced-draft, axial fan, crossflow cooling technology with features designed for simplified maintenance. Crafted from decades of engineering
- The Parallel Hybrid Condenser combines high efficiency PVC crossflow fill with Evapco's latest coil technology for superior induced draft, parallel flow, hybrid condenser performance.
- The standard in low-sound, centrifugal fan, forced-draft closed circuit coolers, these units are especially suited for indoor and ducted layouts and are ideal for exact replacement projects.
Especially suited for indoor and ducted layouts and provided a unitary, compact design for tight layouts or height-restricted areas.
- The PMCQ is an evaporative condenser featuring Quiet Super Low Sound Technology and is easy to install, easy to maintain and energy saving.
- To ensure 100% reliability for the high demands of critical cooling applications, the Atlas is highly engineered with quality components and manufactured to exacting standards. The durable materials of construction ensure the longevity expected of EVAPCO products. The cooling towers are designed in large modules for ease of installation and to reduce required field assembly labor. As the most energy efficient modular cooling tower on the market, the Atlas is unmatched in CTI Certified capacity per cell.
- The new ESW4 was designed to MAXIMIZE capacity and OPTIMIZE energy efficiency in EVAPCO’s single largest closed circuit cooler cell available.
- The original Advanced Technology closed circuit cooler provides an induced-draft, axial fan solution for a wide array of outdoor cooling capacities.
- Im Gegensatz zu anderen derzeit auf dem Markt erhältlichen Trockenkühlprodukten garantieren die Aggregate der EVAPCO eco-Air Baureihe zu 100% die Leistungskennzahlen. Für jedes eco-Air-Aggregat gilt